Guide for Authors

Aims and scopes

NanoMicrobilogy and NanoBiotechnology is a peer review international journal developed to communications and publications on nanotechnology related to microbiology, biotechnology, biology, medicine, and pharmaceutical sciences.


The journal is bilingual and Persian or English manuscripts are acceptable. It is mandatory for all manuscripts to start with an English title page which contains title, names and affiliations of the authors, abstract, and keywords. No Persian Title page is required.


NanoMicrobiology and NanoBiotechnology is an international peer review journal that publish both conventional and unconventional articles regard to nanomicrobiology or nanobiotechnology.

Conventional articles can be original paper, review, mini review, short communication, translated paper, case report, letter to the editor, editorial, and novel or modified protocol. The body of all conventional articles should be started with an introduction and then followed with the other sections.

Original articles should contain Introduction, Experimental, Results and Discussion, Conclusion, Acknowledgments, and References. Results and Discussion can also be provided in separate sections.

Translated articles are the articles that were previously published in English or other language and now can be provided in Persian. Translated paper can be whole or part of the original English paper, but it needs to be self-sufficient. Authors should provide permission from original journal and submit the manuscript as Translated Paper. In the cases that no permission is possible or for any other issues a Persian or English report about your publication can also be submitted as an unconventional article (Report or NEWS).

Unconventional articles are also welcome as NEWS, reports, hypothesis, book review, and obituary. 

Reports can be about a published paper, any academic event, and text or translate of a scientific presentation or meeting.


NanoMicrobiology and NanoBiotechnology follows the policy of Your Paper Your Way in initial submission. It means that authors can submit the manuscript as a simple word file with imbedded figures, no formatting is required at this step. If the manuscript passed to the revision stage and accepted for the publication, authors will be requested to put the manuscript in the provided template. At this formatting stage the text should be copy and paste in the template and figures should be imbedded in the text. References should be provided in the Vancouver style. Journal names can be provided in abbreviation or full name, just be sour to keep uniformity throughout the bibliography.

If there is any unclear point in this regard you can checkout one of the papers that was published in the NanoMicrobiology and NanoBiotechnology previously.

Free open access

NanoMicrobiology and NanoBiotechnology is a free open access journal and published papers are available for download. Also, no page charges will be levied to authors. When the manuscript is accepted and published online authors are free to make the full text available via public and private webpages.

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